Thank you for your support. Please complete the form below to donate to the New Zealand Nature Fund.
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The New Zealand Nature Fund and its new approach was established in 2020 to raise significantly higher levels of private investment and donations into conservation and to maximise the impact of those funds. We work in concert with, but separate from the Department of Conservation, and are aligned with and contribute to wider planetary goals for nature. We are determined that a new approach can and will protect our most vulnerable and precious habitats and creatures for generations to come.
The NZ Nature Fund is the registered brand name for the NZ National Parks & Conservation Foundation and is a registered charity with the NZ Department of Internal Affairs and has IRD approved donee status. Certificate of Registration Number: CC32894)
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Despite significant support for our most vulnerable environments and as highlighted in the recent Aotearoa New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy (Te Mana o Te Taiao) published by the Department of Conservation, it has become increasingly clear that the battle is not being won. The rate of decline continues to increase and a major step-change in effort and approach is required if the decline is to be reversed.
The New Zealand Nature Fund and its new approach was established in 2020 to raise significantly higher levels of private investment and donations into conservation and to maximise the impact of those funds. We work in concert with, but separate from the Department of Conservation, and are aligned with and contribute to wider planetary goals for nature. We are determined that a new approach can and will protect our most vulnerable and precious habitats and creatures for generations to come.
The NZ Nature Fund is the registered brand name for the NZ National Parks & Conservation Foundation and is a registered charity with the NZ Department of Internal Affairs and has IRD approved donee status. Certificate of Registration Number: CC32894)
If you or your business would like to know more about taking your contribution to the next level, please complete this form, or call us on +64 21 541 467.
Thank you for your support. Please complete the form below to donate to the New Zealand Nature Fund.
If you would prefer to make your donation via direct bank transfer, you can view details here.
View bank transfer detailsIf you would prefer to make your donation via direct bank transfer, you can view details here.
View bank transfer details